Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Quality Time Management

Recently, I have read an article about time management. It lists some of the tips a student may take in order to maximize their time but honestly this isn't the case. Proper time management isn't about how you spend your time for your homework or studies rather it talks of how quality time is achieved and what are the ways of doing so. Quality time is more of a substantive rather than quantitative aspect. It explains of how a person can get the most out of his time without being sluggish or inefficient. It merely talks of how a person can use his time to the fullest but still maintain his health and vigor is as good as possible. I'd rather talk of QUALITY TIME MANAGEMENT than time management only. Listed here are the eight ways on how to improve such time management and my corresponding comments to them: (Credits to

1. Get and use a calendar--Honestly, I am doing this a lot of time but almost 90% don't work. If you are a determinate and  stick-to-the-plan person, then go push. However, most of the students, admit it or not, are not so obedient when they plan things up. Many are into random work completion rather than that of scheduling. On the contrary, stated that one of the tools of time management is using a calendar. Well, I guess it will be proved most useful to office workers and students-on-charge rather than to full-time school students. 

2. Write down everything --- If you are not planning to use a planner (huh??), then try jotting down all possible work to do. Writing's counterpart is reminder and that's why it is useful. It will give a sense of urgency to finish things. In my case, sometimes it's hard to review when I'm not informed of what to begin with. The hardest part is that you are in chaos when things more important are put in the last, but it depends on your preference on what to do first or last.

3. Schedule time to relax - - a fatigue mind cannot think at all. Some people say that if you love what you are doing then you are not going to be tired of doing it. On the contrary, how about those who are not in the same situation? Well, I find relaxing a good idea. Why? Simply because relaxing guarantees a more efficient mind. In my case, relaxing gives me a break. It is better when you put relaxing stages in between your work stuff rather than after. But among all reasons, the best is that it creates a sense of urgency. Think about this, when you are working at a specific stuff for the longest hour you can, you will definitely think of other good things rather than finishing it, right? And besides having been through it doesn't guarantee your work is good. Now, the better option is to have fun first then work on it. Simple suggestion yet you will find out why. 

4. Keep trying new systems --- why not reform your patterns. Choose the best way to guarantee that your time is being spent well on quality things. In studying, choose the best time you are comfortable and well productive with. Is it when you wake up early in the morning, or is it when you stay up late at night finishing all things. Is it when you are listening to music or is it when you are in a quiet place. 

5. Allow for flexibility ---- Think if such system still gives you time to finish. I recommend finishing easy things rather that difficult. Simply because hard things require much time than the easy one. 

6. Plan ahead --- nevertheless, planning for all things leads us to,

7. Plan for the unexpected -- - - Contingencies, this things are those you unexpectedly do just because you don't expect for it. For most, this contingencies become a major problem when they strike at a time we're most fully hectic. Allow for time for those stuff.

8. Schedule rewards in. Like what is stated above, however, in a different manner, this talks of giving yourself rewards in case you finish a thing. 

That's all, it depends upon your knowing of what quality time means. Discretion still belongs to the person and not to the dictator.

(Credits to

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